(218) 844-4211 info@mannafoodcoop.com

2025 Election

We have 3 members running for two seats. Each member household has one vote for up to two candidates.

About our candidates:

Christy Thorns

I am a native Minnesotan, but lived much of my adult life in the Denver area as the head coffee buyer for Allegro Coffee, which is part of Whole Foods Market. Sourcing coffee provided me the opportunity to build partnerships with farmers and co-operatives around the world, largely focused on certified organic farming practices. I have a strong understanding of how challenging farming is in general, but especially with organic and sustainable production. My background working both with coffee growers and within the natural foods industry for nearly 30 years has made me passionate about supporting local small farms and naturally-focused businesses. I enjoy living a healthy and outdoorsy lifestyle back in MN after so many years of hiking, backpacking and snowboarding throughout Colorado. I am the founder and current co-owner of Chickadee Coffee Roasters, which was started in 2017 inside Roasted Pub and Eatery in DL. The Roastery in now located on our homestead outside of town in a larger facility to support the growing demand for fresh locally roasted coffees in the Lakes Area.

Steve Dahlberg

I was the founder, and, for 15 years, the director of the Extension Program at White Earth Tribal and Community College where our primary activities involved local, wild, and traditional foods, herbal medicine, gardening, traditional crafts, and other aspects of sustainable living. I am now retired, but still remain active in all these areas. I grew up on a self-reliant homestead farm and continue to live on my family’s tree farm where I wildcraft various edible and medicinal plants and mushrooms, and grow essentially every type of fruit and nut hardy enough to survive our climate. Most importantly, I have been part of the co-op movement since the early 1980’s when I joined the first co-op in Fargo. I have also been a member at Harmony Food Co-op in Bemidji. I served for a number of years on the Northern Plains Sustainable Agriculture Society Board and see the Manna board as another opportunity to remain active in the sustainable food movement to which I’ve devoted so much of my life.

Kim Brasel

Hi, my name is Kim Brasel and I live in Perham. My husband is originally from Perham and we moved back to Minnesota 7 years ago after spending 5 years in Oregon. Prior to that, we lived in the La Crosse, WI area and before that we were on the east coast while I was in the Navy. I was a freelance writer/photographer for many years but I recently decided it was time for a career change and I am currently taking classes in computer programming and graphic design. I would love to be able to use any of these skills in helping the Co-op reach its goals. I’m also passionate about creating healthy meals that taste good (still trying to convince my boys healthy and tastes good can coexist), and the opportunity to use local products makes it all the better. I’m excited to see the Co-op grow and would love to be apart of an organization that provides such a great service to the community.

Interested in becoming a board member?

Expectations: Participate in monthly meetings (second Wednesday of the month). A term is 3 years. You can read more about how the board operates in our bylaws below.

Qualifications: You simply need to (1) be a member, and (2) have an interest in the success of the co-op or associated topics like food, farming, and community engagement.  Certainly experience in business development, education, marketing, and with other public organizations are helpful additions to the board. 

How to apply: For 2025, we will have an annual meeting on March 18, 2025 so we need to hear from you by the end of January, 2025 to allow members time to vote on nominees. Contact Ryan Pesch at lidafarmer@gmail.com or 218-770-4398 to express your interest.

Contact the Board

The co-op’s board of directors appreciates hearing from you! They are available to answer questions and provide information about co-op governance. Please email mannafoodcoopboard@googlegroups.com

Board of Directors

The co-op isn’t all on staff. A board of directors provides oversight. Our role is to set goals and policies, launch initiatives, and oversee our general manager. Together we are working to build an organization that meets its mission, serves its members, and finds profitability. Manna Food Co-op of Directors is composed of seven democratically elected co-op owners who serve the co-op for three-year terms. Directors are elected at the first board meeting of the year.

How does the board operate?

Manna has historically and continues to be a ‘hands-on’ active board, volunteering with staff to take on initiatives to better meet our mission, including outreach and education.

The board typically meets monthly on the second Monday of the month at Bucks Mill Brewing. Co-op owners are welcome to participate; your advance RSVP is politely requested. To indicate your intention to attend and/or participate in the Co-op Owners Comment Period, please email mannafoodcoopboard@googlegroups.com at least a week prior to our meeting.

Board Meeting Minutes

Governing Documents

Meet the Board

Zachary Paige

Zachary Paige


Zachary Paige is the proprietor of North Circle Seeds Organic vegetable seed company and University of Minnesota Extension RSDP Sustainable Ag Food Systems Coordinator working with rural grocery stores and Minnesota farmers. He holds a Master of Science in Plant Breeding at Iowa State University. Zachary is passionate about seed saving, growing garlic and local food systems. He is on the Lake Agassiz chapter board of the Sustainable Farming Association of MN as well as the state board. As a small organic farmer, Zachary believes in local food and is passionate to do his part in cultivating a place where the Detroit Lakes local foods community can gather and share knowledge and delicious food and culture.

Bonnie Guyer Graham

Bonnie Guyer Graham

Vice President

Bonnie has been a food co-op member at five different co-ops since the ‘80s. Being new to the community, she became a MANNA Food Co-op member right away and wondered how she could volunteer and be part of the Co-op. Then COVID hit and everything was disrupted. Having joined the board in 2022, Bonnie is interested how we can reach out and connect more, build our relationships and build back our community. For her, MANNA Food Co-op can be a place to meet like minded folks, to volunteer, to grow new skills, to help our local food producers, to go local, and to build a better world. In her work life she has worked with volunteers and helped them find a way to share their passion and skills with their communities and she is looking for ways to bring those skills to us.  



Alexa Stelzer

Alexa Stelzer


Since working at a food co-op in college, Alexa has been passionate about the values and mission associated with co-ops. She has a strong tie to the food industry from years of working as a dietitian and previous food service manager and feels that MANNA can help us all eat better and healthier. She dreamed of starting a food co-op in DL many years ago now, and had the opportunity to help with initial fundraising and organizing efforts of MANNA in 2016-17. After her children were born, she stepped away from involvement with the co-op but has eagerly reengaged now as a board member. 



Ryan Pesch

Ryan Pesch


Ryan and his wife Maree own and operate Lida Farm, a diversified and organic vegetable operation in Otter Tail County near Pelican Rapids. They market primarily vegetables via CSA, Pelican Market in Pelican Rapids, and a self-serve farm stand. In his professional life, Ryan is an Extension Educator with the University of Minnesota, where he assists other farm operators with ag business management issues and business planning. 

Janna Setterholm

Janna Setterholm

Member at Large

I am Janna Setterholm and I made Detroit Lakes my home in 2013 after leaving a career in the wine industry in Washington State, with my last stop in the industry as General Manager of a winery in Mankato, MN. I currently live in Detroit Lakes with my Husband Setty (operating partner for The Fireside restaurant and the best bartender in this frozen tundra), 2 year old son Breck (definitely has the sweetest personality and coolest hair of any kiddo I’ve ever met) and Bodhi our 1 year old Bernedoodle goofball puppy.

I currently work in Detroit Lakes at Ecumen in the Therapy Care Center, entering my 20th year as a Medical Massage Therapist. I also practice as a Registered Aromatherapist and Canine Aromatherapist with the help of my own essential oil company Koru Oils, which is what led me to Manna.

Manna has a strong belief in not only community but in the individuals within this community. I was allowed the opportunity to sell my hand poured essential oils at Manna in 2019 and I was so grateful for someone to not only take interest in my small business, but in me as a person. To have someone believe in me and my brand new company meant a lot. I am interested in serving on the Manna Board to help increase awareness to our community of the importance of this beautiful melting pot of businesses within a business. There has been so much effort to ensure that we as a community have access to fresh and healthy choices and I want to be part of the continued growth and sustainability that matters so much to all of you.

Diane McArthur

Diane McArthur

Member at Large

My professional background is in Nutrition and Dietetics and I have a passion for good food and I currently work at White Earth Tribal and Community College.

As someone who grew up on a farm with plenty of home-grown meat and produce, I feel this food should be available to all who seek it. I chose to run to be a member of Manna when the opportunity presented itself and would be honored to be a part of the Manna Board.



Geralyn Lyseng

Geralyn Lyseng

Member at Large

My opportunities to apply all of my acquired knowledge into my own food vision was fully utilized when I had my own dirt, seeds, struggles and victory smiles on my own place near Pelican Rapids. I passed on my love of gardening and whole foods to my daughter who does organic gardening on a much larger scale than I ever did and also works for the Old Salt Outpost Coop in Helena, MT where they begin their shifts with a Prayer of Gratitude.

Manna has a similar mission to be a blessing to all who walk through our doors. I highly value people coming together to bring their ideas and concepts to collaborate for improved health and a cherished quality of life, setting long term priorities and working together for the common good. I look forward to this opportunity to serve on the Manna board to help the organization to share, grow and appreciate.