Monthly sales (Sept. – Dec)
Each member family spending $23.82 per week gets us to our sales goals necessary to make the co-op a success. That’s do-able, right?
With 548 members we should easily reach the $625,000 we project for 2018 sales to get us on a path of financial stability. We’re confident that you can find a reason to stop by once a week for food that you and your family need:
- All local and organic produce department
- Growing supplement display
- Fully grocery aisles featuring MN-made and organic foods
After all, didn’t we believe enough in the vision of the co-op to each chip in $150 to get the doors open? You can now walk through those doors seven days a week and we wish you would make MANNA part of your everyday.
Financial Details:
Last week at our annual meeting we discussed our current financial situation. The board and members in attendance are full aware that starting any new business takes time. Sales grow only when customers find what they need and begin to make our store part of their regular routine.
We are thankful for all members and non-member shoppers who are coming through the doors everyday. Our sales are well-settled around $20,000 a month, and we need an average closer to $35,000 to cover our costs and meet our obligations. This puts us $11,000 short each month! Again, we don’t fully expect to be breaking even yet, but $11,000 loss per month is too much.
We are very excited that we are meeting our mission of supporting local vendors and growers with over 15% of our total sales come from the 37 local vendors we work with.

Sales by department